Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Our Ward had a Trunk or Treat. We had chili and hot dogs, carnival games and then the famous trunk or treat. The boys loved it!

Carson was Captain America, Ashton was Batman and Calvin was a Dragon.

Here are my pirates: Caleb and Devin. They are trying real hard to look tough!

Ben wore his dirt bike clothes. The boots are really made for walking so he was pretty sore after the night was over. I told him that it doesn't count as a costume if you wear it other times during the year. I was just happy that he dressed up at all. I'm usually the only one who wears the costume.

Here they are ready for the big night ahead of them...

And here am I. I was the cow. It was kind of awkward when little kids would come up to me and start milking me. :) The utters were just at their eye level, so what can I say!?


Lisa said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

I love everyone's costumes! Especially Ben and Travis! Sounds like you had a lot of fun!

Melissa said... Best Blogger Tips[Reply to comment]Best Blogger Templates

nice pictures...:) Good savings too! I went shopping, but only saved 52%. I got good stuff though, but no where near the savings you racked up! You are AWESOME!

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