Between Conference Sessions on Sunday, all the kids were out playing. When I called them into eat Devin was running as fast as he could, crying and calling my name. I ran out to see him and he said that there was a rattlesnake. I didn't think that he knew what a rattlesnake was. He kept saying that it was moving and then he would put his hand up in the air and move it back and forth. It looked like the motion that the rattles would make. He kept talking about it and he was really scared. He would not eat, and kept saying that there was a rattlesnake. So Ben walked down there and Jared met him with a gun. Ben said a prayer that if there really was a snake that they would find it. Soon after that, Jared yelled out that he found it. It was near the creek where the water from the sump drains into the creek. It is all dried up right now. But he saw the snake down in the little gorge under some old mesquite tree that fell down. He started shooting at it. Ben ran in and told us that Jared found it and we went out to see. I told all the kids to stay, but I took Devin with me so we could put some closure on the rattlesnake for him. James took the pitchfork and got the snakes out from under the sticks and there were two! We were all surprised. They were gigantic! The rattles were huge! We are so blessed that Devin was safe. I truly believe that someone was watching out for him.
It is truly a miracle that he was safe and protected from harm.
Here is Jared, our hero who shot the snake. When Devin talks about the rattlesnake now, he says that he was shaking when he saw it. What a brave little boy. For more pictures, see the Reed's blog.
ooh that is so scary! Thank goodness that Devin is safe!
Did you eat the smakes after you skinned them?
We should have tried frying them up, but I didn't really think about doing that. Oh well! Maybe next time...Jared and I walked down in the creek today after school and we saw a couple snake tracks in the sand. Pretty scary! Between the rattlesnakes and the mountain lions, it's a dangerous place! :)
That is so creepy! I can't even imagine! Great pics though. I'm glad everyone (except the snakes) were ok!
Did I ever give you my email?
send me an email and I'll send you an invite. Sorry if i already did! hehe
Wow, that's the most exciting post I've read on anyones blog in a very long time. I am glad that your boy wasn't hurt. Those are some great pictures.
Crazy! Glad he wasn't hurt! We have already shot a few around here! I am not looking forward to rattlesnake season. We shot one in our back yard about 6 months ago. It is scary when you have kids!
Those are huge! I'm glad everyone was ok.
Oh my goodness. How scarey! Soooo glad sweet Devin is safe. What a brave boy.
Whoa dude... that's crazy. I'm soo glad Devin was okay. We have a fake snake outside of our door (if you remember) and it always gets broken when we have playgroup at my house and I think it's from the kids being scared of it and stepping on it's head and I just think to myself that I hope they never try stepping on a a real snake. That would be scary. Anyways that was crazy and again glad everyone was safe.
Too close for my comfort zone!! I wasn't there but it got goose bumps reading about it. Devin is one awesome boy! Save the rattles for the next family get together to show.
Thank goodness Devin was ok. I am impressed by his quick thinking and intuition. It sure is a great learning experience. I am amazed at the pictures. Holy Cow!!! Way to go Devin!
Briana-Wow you are all so brave. I think i would of just started crying or fliping out. I love seeing your family pictures. I found your blog through Lark. I miss our group in Tucson.
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