I was tagged by a couple people and so I'm just going to put the tags together and answer an all in one...
HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN TOGETHER? We will celebrate 9 years of marriage on May 14!
HOW LONG DID YOU DATE? Ben got home from his mission in February. We were engaged in March and married in May!
WHO EATS MORE? I would say Ben.
WHO HAS MORE SPEEDING TICKETS? Neither one of us have any tickets. (Knock on wood!)
WHO IS SMARTER? I guess it depends on what subject. :) But I would say Ben. He obviously studies and learns more than me. I guess that's what medical school does to a person.
WHO DOES THE LAUNDRY? I usually do. Sometimes Ben washes the clothes, but I always fold the laundry. I don't think he would know what clothes belong to what boy!
WHO DOES THE DISHES? I do most of the time, but Ben does help out pretty regularly!
WHO IS MORE ROMANTIC? It's pretty much a draw.
WHO PAYS THE BILLS? I do. I love doing the finances. I feel like it's a game. Weird I know. Ben just stands back and lets me work. We met regularly and discuss how things are going. We have to on a limited budget.
WHO MOWS THE LAWN? I usually do. I love to do the yard work! I love the end result!
WHO COOKS DINNER? Most of the time I do. But sometimes my violin and piano lessons go late and Ben takes over! I love it when he cooks!
WHO DRIVES WHEN YOU ARE TOGETHER? Ben does most of the time. On long trips I drive part of the way because he gets sleepy. Although, I can never sleep when he's driving. I guess it's because I'm always talking or reading.
WHO IS MORE STUBBORN? That would be me! (Ben is probably laughing right now.)
WHO IS FUNNIER? Ben. He's always making me laugh.
WHO ASKED WHO OUT FIRST? I think that my Dad arranged that. . . a convenient trip to the ranch. That's when Ben said he fell in love with me because I could ride a horse. :) He may correct me later on that.
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5 years ago
It's kinda fun to learn a little more about people! Fun!
I love how your Dad has kinda set up your marriage and James. John and Jared better watch out for him when they get back from their missions. He pretty much guessed Brookes too. I love him. I can just see you jumping on the horse and Ben being blown away, like okay, thats cool.
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