The day after Thanksgiving, we went to my parent's house and helped with branding the calves. There were three to brand and our family got to do one. There are so many pictures to see. To read the whole story and to see more pictures, go to the
Reed Family Blog.

Here we are holding down the calf. Each boy has a different part of the calf to hold.

Ben did the branding. Doesn't he look so handsome?

All of the smoke went right into our faces and just stayed there. For those of you who don't know, it really stinks! It smells like burning hair, but worse!

This was before the branding actually began. The boys were listening to Grandpa Reed give the instructions.

Here we are getting the calf situated. We had to throw down the calf two times. It was a strong little bull calf. Click on the above link to see the throwing of the calf.